Native Staking
The staking system will transition to Chromia Mainnet. This upgrade will allow users to stake on Chromia, Ethereum, and Binance Chain and delegate their tokens to a mainnet provider through a single interface.
Filehub SaaS
A publicly accessible version of Filehub will be deployed to mainnet, enabling decentralized storage as a service on Chromia.
TOKEN2049 Singapore
The team will be unveiling information about the next phase of Chromia’s development.
Bridge Enhancement
CHR withdrawals will be integrated into Chromia Vault. In addition, the bridge will be augmented with additional security features in preparation for expanded TVL and asset support.
Chromia Asgard Upgrade
Wow. You went through the trouble of unblurring this? You must be really excited to find out about what we have planned. I have to say, that is quite flattering. You are the most hardcore of the hardcore.
Chromia Is Amazing
Asgard. What could it mean? It’s a mystery. All we can say is that Chromia will be gaining some new capabilities.
Chromia Is Incredible
Will we still be a killer dapp platform? Yes! We are expecting several games to launch on mainnet, and there may or may not be some DeFi stuff happening as well.
Chromia Is Fantastic
Not to mention which, the work done via RBN and EBSI is also planting some seeds that could end up growing in Chromian soil. Many companies are looking to use blockchain as part of their sustainability goals.
Chromia Is Fabulous
But anyway, what is Asgard about? What are these new capabilities? Well, I guess you’ll just have to wait until TOKEN2049 to find out.
Chromia Is Stupendous
Maybe we can spill the beans a little bit. Chromia can already support dapps. Chromia can already be used as a decentralized database. But what if we want to get into some other verticals? Some big, sexy, verticals?
Now You Have The Alpha
The stuff we are announcing is going to make that a possibility. We are ready to make a big splash in Q4 2024 and 2025. Many of the things you already know about are going to come to life. And many things that no one knows about will, too. Are you ready?